Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Add SmartArt graphics

Hello friends,
Today I will tell you how we add smart art graphics in the presentation to make it more attractive. There are different ways to do so.

 To add SmartArt you can either directly select the right mouse button or get it from the list or you can also use ribbon for it. For that select the insert menu and then click on the SmartArt graphics icon. There are different type of graphics in it. We always have to choose the right one that relate to our thought.

If you need more shapes in the overall SmartArt diagram it is easy to add them. You can add shapes by using the ribbon or through the text pane. Moreover we can use different color options in it.

So I think it is very interesting topic for everyone to make their presentation best and impressive. I will tell you more about PowerPoint in next update.


  1. Hi Kamalpreet,
    I found that the smart Art graphic is really important in making presentations more effective and attracting.Thanks for sharing your idea to represent it with pictures and helping us to use them easily.I will be looking for your further posts

  2. Hi kamal
    I found your topic very interesting beause in a business world we often have to make a presentation to show our idea. your topic help me a lot how to make it effectively. I hope i will get more information in your next post. THANKS

  3. Thanks for your comments and I will provide more information related presentation that helps everyone.
